De Business

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Sulzer Hydro/ABB va moderniza hidrocentrala Portile de Fier I
Sulzer Hydro/ABB va moderniza hidrocentrala Portile de Fier I

Contractul dintre grupul elvetian Sulzer Hydro/ABB si RENEL pentru modernizarea hidrocentralei Portile de Fier I va fi semnat in urmatoarele zile, a declarat Christian Haegger, presedintele Sulzer Hydro Group, la conferinta de presa de marti.Contractul, in valoare de circa 2 milioane franci elvetieni, prevede modernizarea in urmatorii opt ani, a celor sase hidroagregate ale centralei. Sulzer...

Emil Constantinescu a inaugurat TIB '97
Emil Constantinescu a inaugurat TIB '97

Presedintele Emil Constantinescu a afirmat, marti, ca o manifestare de amploarea Tirgului Tehnic International Bucuresti va da roade daca managerii rom?ni vor folosi prilejul pentru a avea contacte de afaceri si vor sti sa capteze atentia si interesul partenerilor straini.Seful statului a amintit...

Bursa de Valori
Bursa de Valori

Valoarea tranzactiilor la Bursa de Valori a scazut, luni, la 6,321 miliarde lei, de la 7,116 miliarde lei in sedinta precedenta.S-au efectuat 3.149 tranzactii, in volum de 2.733.891 actiuni.Cele mai tranzactionate actiuni au fost: Arctic, Automobile Dacia.Au fost oprite de la tranzactionare...

Noul proiect al legii privatizarii prevede maxim trei institutii care sa se ocupe de privatizare
Noul proiect al legii privatizarii prevede maxim trei institutii care sa se ocupe de privatizare

Premierul Victor Ciorbea a afirmat, luni, intr-un discurs tinut in fata Adunarii Atlanticului de Nord, ca in noul proiect al legii privatizarii, aflat in curs de elaborare, sint prevazute doua, cel mult trei institutii care sa se ocupe de privatizare.El a aratat, in acest context, ca expertii rom?ni, impreuna cu cei ai Bancii Mondiale si ai Uniunii Europene, sint pe cale sa finalizeze o lege a...

Mobile telephony Dialog GSM reached Iasi
Mobile telephony Dialog GSM reached Iasi

The Dialog GSM mobile telephony has been working in Iasi since October 4, covering the whole Bucharest-Iasi national highway, MobilRom informs.The Dialog network is accessible now in 91 cities of the country, 47 of them having a population of over 20,000 inhabitants and on 2,200 km of road,...

BNR puts the leu in competition with the western currencies
BNR puts the leu in competition with the western currencies

The new currency regulation, which contains the necessary modifications for the convertibility of the national currency according to article 8 within the IMF status, will come into force at the end of October, the governor of the Romanian National Bank (BNR) Mugur Isarescu declared Monday. "We...

Actiunile Bancii Transilvania si ale societatii AMCO Otopeni vor fi cotate la Bursa
Actiunile Bancii Transilvania si ale societatii AMCO Otopeni vor fi cotate la Bursa

Actiunile Bancii Transilvania vor fi cotate la Bursa de Valori Bucuresti (BVB) incepind de miercuri, 15 octombrie, iar ale societatii AMCO Otopeni, incepind de marti,14 octombrie, se arata intr-un comunicat transmis agentiei MEDIAFAX de catre BVB.Ambele societati au fost admise la Cota la Categoria a II-a.Procesul de inscriere la Cota a Bancii Transilvania a fost initiat de SVM Broker din Cluj...

The 100,000 lei banknote will be launched in 1998
The 100,000 lei banknote will be launched in 1998

The Governor of the Romanian National Bank (BNR) Mugur Isarescu announced Monday that in 1998 there will be put into circulation the banknote of 100,000 lei.All the other banknotes will be modified, except the one of 50,000 lei. "We want to modify all the banknotes to have the same dimension...

In Romania there are over 50,000 societies with foreign capital
In Romania there are over 50,000 societies with foreign capital

According to the data provided by the Trade Register, there have been registered 50,273 commercial societies with foreign capital registered in Romania during December 1990 - August 1997 with a $ 2.390,4 million social capital.Most of the societies with foreign social capital - 28,372 - have been...

BNR puts the leu in competition with the western currencies
BNR puts the leu in competition with the western currencies

The new currency regulation, which contains the necessary modifications for the convertibility of the national currency according to article 8 within the IMF status, will come into force at the end of October, the governor of the Romanian National Bank (BNR) Mugur Isarescu declared Monday. "We...

Piata extrabursiera (RASDAQ)
Piata extrabursiera (RASDAQ)

La sedinta de tranzactionare a pietei extrabursiere de vineri, valoarea totala a tranzactiilor a crescut la 10.020.351.305 lei, de la lei in sedinta precedenta.Volumul tranzactiilor a fost de 3.552.384 actiuni.Au fost efectuate 2.809 tranzactii pentru actiunile a 647 societati.Primele...

The 100,000 lei banknote will be launched in 1998
The 100,000 lei banknote will be launched in 1998

The Governor of the Romanian National Bank (BNR) Mugur Isarescu announced Monday that in 1998 there will be put into circulation the banknote of 100,000 lei.All the other banknotes will be modified, except the one of 50,000 lei. "We want to modify all the banknotes to have the same dimension...