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Diaconescu si Roman, cu ochii pe portofolii
Diaconescu si Roman, cu ochii pe portofolii

Daca vrei sa intelegi cit de cit ce se intimpla in Romania, e absolut necesar sa "admiri" o imagine pe care mai ales televiziunea ne-o ofera din cind in cind. Priviti-i cu atentie, cind aveti ocazia, pe Ion Diaconescu si Petre Roman stind alaturi in fata unei camere de luat vederi, a unui microfon sau intr-o sedinta in care cei doi sint actorii principali. Un mosulica adus putin de...

Memoria scurta a venerabilului Diaconescu
Memoria scurta a venerabilului Diaconescu

Printr-o declaratie a premierului Ciorbea, facuta presei la sfirsitul saptaminii, trecutele zvonuri privind o iminenta remaniere guvernamentala au primit confirmarea oficiala. Speculatiile si-au schimbat obiectul, la moda fiind acum cele cu privire la numarul si numele ministrilor care urmeaza sa...

SRI - the last arm of the power - becomes a public institution
SRI - the last arm of the power - becomes a public institution

The breeze of changing has begun to appear also in the Romanian Intelligence Service (SRI). After a period of a few months of accommodation, the new SRI director Costin Georgescu seems to have taken his job seriously. He has recently announced a series of restructuring measures, which, if applied,...

SRI - the last arm of the power - becomes a public institution
SRI - the last arm of the power - becomes a public institution

The breeze of changing has begun to appear also in the Romanian Intelligence Service (SRI). After a period of a few months of accommodation, the new SRI director Costin Georgescu seems to have taken his job seriously. He has recently announced a series of restructuring measures, which, if applied,...

Gilceava pentru fotoliile ministeriale
Gilceava pentru fotoliile ministeriale

De citeva luni bune, au aparut zvonuri privind o remaniere guvernamentala. Timide, la inceput, ele au capatat amploare pe masura ce gafele unor ministri au inceput sa se repete. Zvonurile s-au amplificat, dar liderii partidelor arcului guvernamental le-au infirmat categoric. Cel putin pina in...

SRI - the last arm of the power - becomes a public institution
SRI - the last arm of the power - becomes a public institution

The breeze of changing has begun to appear also in the Romanian Intelligence Service (SRI). After a period of a few months of accommodation, the new SRI director Costin Georgescu seems to have taken his job seriously. He has recently announced a series of restructuring measures, which, if applied,...

De ce presedintele a criticat Guvernul?
De ce presedintele a criticat Guvernul?

Sint tot mai multe semnalele care ne arata ca actualul guvern a intrat intr-o faza critica. Nu e cazul sa refacem inventarul greselilor, pina la un punct scuzabile, pe care o serie de ministri si uneori Guvernul in intregul sau le-au facut de cind au ocupat Palatul Victoria. Ele au facut obiectul...

SRI - the last arm of the power - becomes a public institution
SRI - the last arm of the power - becomes a public institution

The breeze of changing has begun to appear also in the Romanian Intelligence Service (SRI). After a period of a few months of accommodation, the new SRI director Costin Georgescu seems to have taken his job seriously. He has recently announced a series of restructuring measures, which, if applied, they will be likely to radically change the face of this disputed institution.We are particularly...

Mitingul Opozitiei - un spectacol lamentabil
Mitingul Opozitiei - un spectacol lamentabil

"Din motive de ordin personal", Ion Iliescu nu a putut participa la primul miting al Opozitiei, care a avut loc, ieri, in Piata Revolutiei din Capitala. Pentru a nu ne dezamagi cu totul, fostul presedinte al Romaniei ne-a transmis totusi o scrisoare deschisa. In scrisoare ni se cere...

SRI - the last arm of the power - becomes a public institution
SRI - the last arm of the power - becomes a public institution

The breeze of changing has begun to appear also in the Romanian Intelligence Service (SRI). After a period of a few months of accommodation, the new SRI director Costin Georgescu seems to have taken his job seriously. He has recently announced a series of restructuring measures, which, if applied,...

De la algoritm, la pumni in cap
De la algoritm, la pumni in cap

E de-a dreptul ingrijorator ce se intimpla de citva timp in tabara puterii. Cu exceptia presedintelui Constantinescu, toti oamenii importanti ai puterii si-au compromis, intr-un fel sau altul, imaginea, pina la un punct de la care risca sa nu-si mai revina. De oricita rea credinta sau exagerare ar...

SRI - the last arm of the power - becomes a public institution
SRI - the last arm of the power - becomes a public institution

The breeze of changing has begun to appear also in the Romanian Intelligence Service (SRI). After a period of a few months of accommodation, the new SRI director Costin Georgescu seems to have taken his job seriously. He has recently announced a series of restructuring measures, which, if applied,...

Romanii din Ucraina - victime ale imposturii
Romanii din Ucraina - victime ale imposturii

O actiune laudabila a Partidului Alternativa Romaniei ne-a oferit ocazia sa cunoastem "pe viu" situatia romanilor din nordul Basarabiei si tinutul Hertei, teritorii romanesti aflate in componenta Ucrainei. O delegatie a PAR, condusa de senatorii Varujan Vosganian si Paul Ghitiu, a...

SRI - the last arm of the power - becomes a public institution
SRI - the last arm of the power - becomes a public institution

The breeze of changing has begun to appear also in the Romanian Intelligence Service (SRI). After a period of a few months of accommodation, the new SRI director Costin Georgescu seems to have taken his job seriously. He has recently announced a series of restructuring measures, which, if applied,...

Politicienii ieseni: provinciali si aroganti
Politicienii ieseni: provinciali si aroganti

In ultimii ani, cel putin la Iasi, s-a incetatenit o practica in rindul reprezentantilor principalelor partide politice. Aceea de a anunta redactiile, adesea printr-o nota scurta sau printr-un simplu telefon, despre o conferinta de presa a partidului care urmeaza sa aiba loc a doua zi. Absolut nimic despre tema conferintei. Ba chiar, de cele mai multe ori, nimic despre cine participa. Daca la fel...

Se desparte sau nu presedintele Constantinescu de taranisti?
Se desparte sau nu presedintele Constantinescu de taranisti?

Ultimele disensiuni care au avut loc in cadrul coalitie majoritare, intimplator cele legate de problema revolutionarilor, au scos la iveala o fata noua a intereselor principalilor poli ai puterii din Romania. Este vorba, in special, de partidele din arcul guvernamental, fiecare in parte, precum si,...

SRI - the last arm of the power - becomes a public institution
SRI - the last arm of the power - becomes a public institution

The breeze of changing has begun to appear also in the Romanian Intelligence Service (SRI). After a period of a few months of accommodation, the new SRI director Costin Georgescu seems to have taken his job seriously. He has recently announced a series of restructuring measures, which, if applied,...

SRI - the last arm of the power - becomes a public institution
SRI - the last arm of the power - becomes a public institution

The breeze of changing has begun to appear also in the Romanian Intelligence Service (SRI). After a period of a few months of accommodation, the new SRI director Costin Georgescu seems to have taken his job seriously. He has recently announced a series of restructuring measures, which, if applied,...

Hotii de butelii, totuna cu disperatii de la baricada
Hotii de butelii, totuna cu disperatii de la baricada

Revolutionarii intrati in greva foamei au incetat, ieri, actiunea lor de protest care dura de sapte zile, dupa ce au fost vizitati, in toiul noptii anterioare, de catre premierul Victor Ciorbea si, cu o noapte inainte, de catre presedintele Emil Constantinescu. In decursul acestor sapte zile s-a...

SRI - the last arm of the power - becomes a public institution
SRI - the last arm of the power - becomes a public institution

The breeze of changing has begun to appear also in the Romanian Intelligence Service (SRI). After a period of a few months of accommodation, the new SRI director Costin Georgescu seems to have taken his job seriously. He has recently announced a series of restructuring measures, which, if applied,...

Ultimul sondaj de opinie: spaima la Palatul Victoria
Ultimul sondaj de opinie: spaima la Palatul Victoria

Pentru prima oara de la alegerile din noiembrie '96, actualul executiv nu mai beneficiaza de sprijinul majoritatii populatiei. Aceasta ar fi una dintre concluziile ce decurg din analiza rezultatelor ultimului sondaj de opinie realizat la sfirsitul lunii septembrie, rezultate date publicitatii in...