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France Telecom and Deutsche Telekom are interested in RomTelecom’s privatization

duminică, 19 octombrie 1997, 23:00
 France Telecom and Deutsche Telekom are interested in RomTelecom’s privatization

The France Telecom and Deutsche Telekom companies are interested in the privatization of the national telecommunication operator RomTelecom, Dumitru Moinescu, secretary of state within the Communication Ministry declared to MEDIAFAX.
The two companies sent to Romania their delegations in order to prospect the Government’s intentions regarding RomTelecom’s privatization, the stage of the investing program, as well as the conditions for the strategic investor, Moinescu mentioned.
Dumitru Moinescu declared that other Asian and American companies are interested in RomTelecom’s privatization. The Italian and Dutch telecommunication operators would also like to participate in RomTelecom’s privatization , sources within the Communication Ministry declared for MEDIAFAX.

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