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The Greeks bought the Romanian Ocean Fishing Company

luni, 13 octombrie 1997, 23:00
 The Greeks bought the Romanian Ocean Fishing Company

The Court of Tulcea decided Friday to reorganize the Romanian Ocean Fishing Company (CRPO), accepting FPS’s proposal to sell 51% of the shares held by the Greek shipowners Yiannis Dimakos and Theodoros Ladas, MEDIAFAX informs. The sale of the majority stock package of CRPO was made according to Law 64/1995 at the Court of Tulcea.
The syndic judge Marcel Palade, designated to deal with the reorganization or the liquidation of CRPO, demanded the creditors to found a new committee whose members will be the representatives of the Greek investors, the Shipyard of Braila and RA Romtehnica and the main creditors of CRPO. The CRPO trade union leader Florin Lupascu also demanded to be a member of this committee as a representative of the company’s sailors, who didn’t receive their whole wages.

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