A Democrat mess

joi, 31 august 2000, 23:00
 A Democrat mess

From a statistical point of view, engineers overwhelm our political class. This is not our point here but what we rather call the political engineering. This is something that designates, in a euphemistic way of speaking, the method according to which a politician or a party tries to multiply or preserve the political heritage solely by speculative methods.
How can you make a politician of any kind to preserve his public image in Romania? The recipe is simple. Use the political engineering. Make up a small-sized party usually after the flight from a party as big as possible leaving big smokes behind claiming, of course, moral or ideological reasons. Then, you merge with a much stronger party willing to offer what the first one refused to give you. Everyone gains something from this. The politician maintained his position and the "receiving" party has a new opportunity to reshape its image. Its name is involved in a scandal that acts upon the opponent party and gains several new headquarters, new members, possibly new mayors, local or county councilors and whatever the runaway politician’s party brings.
In the Romanian political life, such a political engineering has become a rule. It defines the mechanism by which the political system is preserved and traces its structural deficiency. The political "engineers" would be totally isolated or simply disappeared in a dynamic, flexible and updated to the new reality political system. Unfortunately, it is they who make the law here.
CDR 2000 (the Romanian Democrat Convention) seems to top this system for the time being. The PNL leaving from Convention should have led to the complete disappearance of this political alliance. CDR 2000 looks more like a political engineering than a political alliance built around a certain political objective as the former CDR embodied before. The divorce from PNL gave them exclusivity on the symbol representing CDR and on a certain kind of speech-the anticommunist one. Thus, the Christian Democrats chose the most comfortable and confusing way, at the same time, to survive. They have built an alliance that has no meaning at all.
What does the electorate gets from this? Isarescu’s candidacy firmly supported by this alliance represents no guarantee for the electorate. Isarescu doesn’t ideologically belong to CDR 2000 at all. Then whom shall we vote for? For the Christian Democrats from PNT-CD or for those from ANCD, a party that came into being as a better option for the former ones? UFD (the Democrat Forces Union) appeared on the political stage, among others, as a reaction to the CDR paralysis. We shall manage on our own since CDR is nothing but "an out-of-date canned food" the UFD leaders said when they left the Convention. Who are you going to vote for next? For the old or new UFD? This is a no-end dilemma. As for the Party of the Moldavians (PM) and the Romanian Ecologist Party (PER), the other two CDR 2000 parties, things seem to be less difficult. PER doesn’t exist and the Party of the Moldavians is a party that nobody can have a doubt about it. But what all these parties, PNT-CD, ANCD, UFD, PER, PM, represent after all if not the fact they are more or less anticommunist and anti-PDSR? May be something more than a political engineering?
(By Pavel LUCESCU)
